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Q&A with Sydney Rose

18-year-old Sydney Rose (she/her) began sharing her music on YouTube and TikTok in her bedroom during quarantine. Through her dreamy vocals and heartfelt acoustic guitar ballads Rose amassed thousands of loyal followers across the platforms. The indie pop singer is incredibly honest and sentimental in her music, making her songs deeply relatable and heartbreaking. Following the release of her successful EP You Never Met Me the singer is now releasing an ode to her best friend with her new single “Bedroom Floor.”

How did you begin your musical journey?

I’ve been singing all my life. I’ve been singing in my church youth band for as long as I remember. I started doing covers on TikTok during the peak of covid because I wanted to do something for myself. Since then I’ve been making my own music.

Your songs are all very honest and vulnerable, how does it feel to see so many people relating to such personal songs of yours like “idk what i did”?

It’s so nice to have people relate to my music because it’s nice to know I’m not alone. Some of my songs are made up stories of things I’ve never experienced and people will message me saying I explained their situation perfectly. I like to put myself in other people’s shoes, so it’s good to see I’m doing it right.

You have shared that Taylor Swift and Phoebe Bridgers are big inspirations in your music, how do you feel that inspiration manifests itself?

I love putting pieces of my favorite artists within my songs. Whether it’s a lyric, a chord progression, or even mentioning their name I always try to find a way to include them in my music.

How has it been moving from performing your songs in a bedroom to a camera to taking those songs to a stage?

It was really hard the first few shows, but I have definitely gotten used to it. I like to remember the feeling of me watching my favorite artist on stage. I want the people in the crowd to connect to me in the way that I connect to my favorite artists during concerts.

“Bedroom Floor” is the first single you’ve released following your EP You Never Met Me. How is this song different from your previous releases and how is it launching a new era of your music?

“Bedroom Floor” and the more songs to come are following a general theme of my fear of change. It’s very vulnerable and follows real life experiences that have shaped me these past few years.

What is the song about?

“Bedroom Floor” is about my best friend. I wrote the song before my senior year of high school because I knew that I wasn’t going to college and she was. I wanted to lay out my thoughts and fears about the next chapter in our lives and encapsulate that feeling in this song.

What is your favorite lyric from “Bedroom Floor”?

“Driving all by myself with Taylor Swift on so I don’t freak out”, because I love my girl Taylor. Shout out to her.

What do you hope people take from the song?

That you’re not alone. Everyone is going through the same thing and college is difficult for everyone. And that even though you are very far away from each other, you can still call, visit, and surprise each other from behind their door.

What has been the highlight of touring with Kate Stephenson and Addison Grace?

Performing has been the highlight. I have never experienced people singing my songs back to me. It’s also strange seeing America straight out of high school, but I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

What is your favorite interaction you’ve had seeing fans live?

Them singing my songs back to me. It really means the world to me. It still doesn’t feel real.

Following the release of “Bedroom Floor” what’s next for you?

Driving in your car bangers. I can’t wait to release my next song and project because I’ve really been working hard on themes and lyrics.

Rose just concluded the first leg of Addison Grace’s “Immaturing Tour” with Kate Stephenson and is currently performing on the second leg of the tour alongside Leanna Firestone, you can buy tickets here. The singer-songwriter is also focused on releasing “driving in your car bangers” for the future of her music, which you can listen to here

Published via WECB MilkCrate


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